Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy

Providing individualized therapy to optimize communication and function

DMG includes physical and occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists to support pediatric patients at DMG Children’s Rehabilitative Services (DMG CRS).

Physical Therapy

DMG CRS physical therapists are highly trained in diagnosing and providing specialized therapy to improve pediatric patients’ gross motor skills which include:

  • Sitting

  • Standing

  • Walking

To optimize the child’s mobility, adaptive equipment such as crutches and other aids may be recommended. DMG CRS offers wheelchair and equipment evaluations to help you choose the best option for your child.

DMG CRS physical therapists may be incorporated into your child’s care team by a DMG CRS physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) physician and partner with your child’s PM&R physician and the following providers to support your child:

Occupational Therapy

DMG CRS occupational therapists help your child with:

  • Fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination

  • Functional skills like getting dressed, grooming, eating and writing

Like physical therapists, DMG CRS PM&R physicians may include occupational therapy in your child’s treatment plan to optimize your child’s independence and your family’s quality of life.

Speech Therapy

DMG CRS speech-language pathologists (SLP) help children with:

  • Linguistics

  • Oral speech skills

  • Eating, swallowing and voice disorders

If speech is not feasible for your child, your DMG CRS SLP will engage augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to help your child communicate with your family, friends, and others as effectively and independently as possible.

DMG CRS speech-language pathologists specialize in supporting children with complex conditions including:


Meet Our Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Providers